School Policies
Please click on the policies below to view them.
Additionally Resourced Centre ARC - The Haven Policy.PDF FileDownload
Assessment Policy .PDF FileDownload
Attendance Policy .PDF FileDownload
CCTV Policy.PDF FileDownload
Comments Complaints and Compliments.PDF FileDownload
Computing Policy .PDF FileDownload
Counter Bullying Policy.PDF FileDownload
CYPES Data Protection Policies and Procedures .PDF FileDownload
Digital Safeguarding Policy.PDF FileDownload
Early Years Policy.PDF FileDownload
English Policy.PDF FileDownload
Equality Policy.PDF FileDownload
Health and Safety Policy.PDF FileDownload
Intimate Care Policy .PDF FileDownload
Jersey Premium Policy.PDF FileDownload
Mathematics Policy.PDF FileDownload
Maths -Overview of strategies and methods Reception.DOCX FileDownload
Maths - Overview of strategies and methods KS1.DOC FileDownload
Maths - Overview of strategies and methods KS2.DOC FileDownload
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy.PDF FileDownload
Mobile Device Policy.PDF FileDownload
Parent and Carer code of conduct.PDF FileDownload
Physical Intervention Policy .PDF FileDownload
Positive Behaviour Policy .PDF FileDownload
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.PDF FileDownload
Safer Recruitment.PDF FileDownload
Severe weather and Snow Policy .PDF FileDownload
Sex and Relationships Education Policy .PDF FileDownload
Social Media Policy.PDF FileDownload
Starting in Nursery and Reception at St Saviour's School.PDF FileDownload
SEND and Inclusion Policy.PDF FileDownload
Teaching and Learning Policy.PDF FileDownload
Privacy-Notice-2023 - 2024.DOCX FileDownload